A Future for Web Components Without Shadow DOM

There’s been a lot of buzz around Web Components (WCs) lately. Are the APIs to blame, or are our expectations simply misguided?

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Challenging Established Norms: Making Component Fetching the Exception

Initially, integrating data concerns within our components appeared intuitive to me and simplified the developer experience. However, I eventually found reasons to treat it as a last resort.

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Progressively Enhance for a More Resilient Web

There has been a lot of talk on the socials lately about progressive enhancement. Some good, some bad, and while the bad is often misled I get it.

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Avoid Global State — Co-locate with Uncontrolled Compound Components

Over the years, I've thought a lot about colocation and how to effectively apply this principle to the components I build. I began to notice a pattern emerge in my work and I'd like to share it.

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Are You a Component Control Freak?

It's tempting to always control the components we implement but we can sometimes simplify things if we use the uncontrolled pattern.

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Smarter, Dumb Breadcrumb

With the help of React Context and Portals we can utilise the component tree to generate a breadcrumb trail that doesn't know your hierarchy or your location within it.

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Compound Components

Compound components provide a declarative API that can allow for some impressive solutions to everyday problems. But what are they?

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